
Tackle Brexit inertia head on with positive action, says digital tech sector

ScotlandIS是博天堂入口数字行业的贸易机构 technologies industry, is calling for policy makers to take action in five key areas to limit any negative impact caused by the decision to leave the European Union.

Its five strategic priorities are access to markets, people, 生产力,研究和学术,以及法规. 行动的呼声来了 after a ScotlandIS member consultation found the majority of respondents are concerned about the impact of the EU referendum result, with three quarters predicting it will negatively impact access to skilled staff, sales, and customer 信心.

On exports 62 per cent said that they anticipate a negative impact on their ability to increase sales overseas, and 22 per cent would 考虑搬迁他们的业务.

Respondents were split on the question of their ability to attract growth capital, with 53 per cent expecting a negative impact compared with 47 per cent predicting no change or a positive impact.

ScotlandIS首席执行官波莉•珀维斯(Polly Purvis)表示: “Businesses in Scotland’s digital technologies sector are looking for decisive action that will reduce economic and political uncertainty, protecting sales 以及客户信心. 特别是,他们需要保证和确定性 about 未来 status of EU citizens working in the UK and vice versa.

“The digital technologies industry makes a significant contribution to the Scottish economy and we believe it will become even more important in coming years due to its flexibility and international outlook. 此外, digital technologies can help all sectors of the economy to increase productivity through, for example, business and process transformation, ecommerce and the increased use of data analytics to inform decision making. This represents an exceptional opportunity for our industry as significantly increased productivity must be one of the key strategies for Scotland’s economy 在英国脱欧后保持竞争力.

“谈判代表必须考虑到我们行业的需求 account, including continued access to the European Single Market and to EU research funding, when agreeing the terms of our new relationship with the EU.

“While 谈判 on eventual exit will take time, we want the UK and Scottish Governments to take immediate action on skills and productivity, to create a competitive workforce truly capable of meeting today’s and tomorrow’s challenges with a clear commitment to digital skills education 对每个人来说. This will be more important than ever in a post-Brexit business 环境.

“Tackling the productivity problem head on, together with additional and accelerated investment in the communications infrastructure, innovation challenges, export initiatives, and support to prepare companies for 新市场有助于经济再平衡. 现在就解决这些问题,博天堂入口 and the UK will be in a better position whatever the final outcome of 谈判.”

博天堂入口数字技术的五大重点 行业:

Markets ——继续进入欧洲市场 Single Market is the ideal outcome, allowing trade to continue without barriers. Failing that, tariff free arrangements for future trade with EU countries.

People ——数字技术产业是 already facing a skills shortage and Brexit uncertainty is a serious threat. ScotlandIS is calling for a) all EU citizens currently living and working in Scotland to be granted indefinite leave to remain, and b) continued easy access 向熟练的欧盟工人开放.

Scotland and the UK must also refocus efforts to ensure we 拥有足够的本土数码产品

未来几年的专业人士. 这意味着增加 投入并承诺数字化

technology skills education, both upskilling those already in the workforce and giving young people the ability to thrive in the digital world, as set out in the ICT and Digital Technology Skills Investment Plan.

生产力 -我们有机会反击 the effects of uncertainty and stimulate the economy by making Scotland a more 有竞争力和生产力的地方做生意. 我们欢迎第一 Minister’s announcement to provide an additional £100m funding boost for infrastructure projects and urge the Scottish Government to allocate part of 数字连接项目的资金.

研究和学术 -博天堂入口以 its research expertise in computing science and informatics. 我们的大学 and researchers need continued access to EU research funding and talented staff and students from the EU and beyond so that they remain globally competitive. The success of the research base is essential for innovation and to ensure Scotland continues to produce cutting edge start-ups and spin out companies for 未来.

规定 -英国谈判代表必须采取行动 requirements of digital businesses such as data hosting providers and FinTech companies into account when striking new deals for data protection and 金融服务. 在许多情况下,法律和法规可能会继续存在 harmonised to a degree if we want to continue doing business with EU countries, and the trick will be to identify opportunities for streamlining regulation where they exist and making the UK an attractive place to host data and conduct digital business, whilst working within that wider harmonised framework.
